

Content is the most important part of your website. It must be written to show expertise and professionalism. The intent of visitors must be satisfied. Most importantly, content must be useful to them so they return repeatedly.

It needs an experienced writer with knowledge both in SEO and copywriting to write compelling text that people search for and that will rank high on search engines.

Our modus operandi when writing content for your website is as follows:

1. Audit existing texts

Usually, texts that are already on site need some improvement. After identifying the main keyword for every page, texts are edited accordingly to resemble the site’s intention and authority better.

2. Keyword research

Finding transactional keywords with the most potential to attract customers. Identifying topics relevant to your niche and keywords related to them.

3. Content strategy

What are the most important topics to cover? Create clusters of connected content to achieve niche authority.

4. Blog writing

Blogs are the lifeblood of modern websites. They bring traffic, give people additional information, and provide the opportunity to discuss topics in-depth. They also create a strong community of loyal visitors.

Matija Čaić

mag. ing., SEO specialist